A Canadian Second World War veteran who landed at Normandy on D-Day 80 years ago will be presented with France's highest ...
The sun was shining on the beaches of Normandy on Thursday morning as a Canadian ceremony to commemorate the 80th anniversary ...
The spotlight is on the Charolais breed this week as producers gather in Moose Jaw for their annual general meeting. Dale ...
Western Athletics in Swift Current opened its doors to aspiring cheerleaders. families, and new athletes on Tuesday afternoon ...
A significant number of collisions in the southwest are the result of drivers following too close to the vehicle in front of ...
The Swift Current Airport is getting ready to light things up with some new hardware. After receiving $13,000 in funding from ...
Marcus Graham has only been in the country for two weeks, and has already played five games for the Swift Current 57’s, and ...
The back half of a low-pressure system stirred up some strong winds across the southwest yesterday. Swift Current recorded ...
The Federal Minister of Labour, Seamus O'Regan, is being called on to step up and find a solution between the union and the ...
Province-wide job action is set to begin Monday after collective bargaining negotiations between the Saskatchewan Teachers’ ...
For years, glyphosate has been one of the most widely used chemicals in agriculture, but the long-term impact of that is now ...
Southwest Sask. has recently been seeing a significant drop in oil and gas prices and could continue to. According to ...