Jo-Ellen Paterno lives with her husband, Paul, and three children in Warwick. “I’m a school teacher by trade,” Paterno said during an interview in her home. “I’ve been a physical education teacher for ...
Despite the guilty verdict, Trump remains the Republican nominee for president. Here's how the conviction is already playing ...
A $2.8 billion settlement reached between the NCAA and five major conferences has paved the way for schools to pay athletes ...
The standard advice for symptoms of IBS is either medication or a tough-to-follow diet called low FODMAP. A new study finds ...
Providence musician J. Mamana has a new album coming out this summer called “For Every Set of Eyes.” It draws on influences ...
Former President Donald Trump is now a convicted felon, but legal experts have told NPR that it's unlikely he will face ...
Last winter’s storms took a heavy toll on the city’s beaches, including Easton’s Beach, which is located at the start of ...
Heading home from the grocery store with a few supplies for dinner on a recent late afternoon, I made the left turn from ...
About 25 years ago, the acclaimed cellist asked a high school student to help him name his instrument. He brings his cello — ...
AI tools have helped the people behind influence operations produce more content, but OpenAI says the operations it disrupted ...
While the restaurant world diversifies, Taiwanese American food creator Frankie Gaw saw American grocery stores still stocked ...
As the summer travel season begins, thousands of bags will likely go missing. But not at one particular airport in Japan that ...