Tension is mounting for the final round of the Scripps National Spelling Bee tonight. Who will be crowned champion and what will the winning word be? To get ready, we need your favorite spelling songs ...
Crockett's superpower is his storytelling prowess, as on his most recent (and 14th) album, 2024's $10 Cowboy; that intriguing ...
Happy Hump Day! It's not just any hump day. It's also the anniversary of Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay conquering the summit of Mount Everest in 1953. So give us your favorite songs about hills, ...
This FUV Live session is also available as a podcast, "FUV Live Sessions." We're elevating WFUV's long history of live sessions and interviews via a podcast that you can find on Spotify, Apple ...
Bonnie and Clyde were gunned down by police on this date in 1934. Their murderous exploits are legendary, but the public fascination with them was rooted in the idea that they were a romantic couple.
Amid traffic jams and barbecues, "Sunday Supper" has a musical respite for Memorial Day. Most intriguing is an unreleased song by Christine Lavin, in which she used A.I. to create her brother's ...
Text your music buddies and sync your calendars, there's a lot of great music coming up this summer. Here's a list of some events we're most looking forward to (in chronological order); you can ...
Have a safe and fun weekend, and catch what you may miss of "Cavalcade," Sundays from 6-9 p.m. on 90.7FM, streaming online, and in the Archives after broadcast.