Mikey Madison achieves instant star status as Ani, a funny, fiery Brooklyn sex worker who enters a whirlwind marriage with the spoiled son of a Russian oligarch, in this electrifying ...
Argentinian filmmaker Matías Piñeiro imagines the ancient Greek poet Sappho’s meeting with the nymph Britomartis in this intriguing visual poem.
“Something is coming along for you to see and hear,” announced David Lynch from his X account on 27 May – cue spasms of anticipation from Lynch fans around the globe. Could it be his long-rumoured ...
Kim Newman saw The Matrix as a new, extravagant kind of 'virtual reality' cinema, more kung-fu than Cronenberg.
Based on a composite of historical case studies, Stéphanie di Giusto’s film about a ‘bearded lady’ tailors its 19-century French setting to fit an obvious message of feminist empowerment.
As Riley hits her teenage years in Pixar’s new sequel Inside Out 2, we look at the unique ways animators have depicted the challenges of growing up, from Bambi to Spirited Away.
The patriarchal tensions within an Iranian family unit serve as a microcosm of an archaic authoritarian government in this unnerving, genre-inflected drama from exiled director Mohammad Rasoulof.
Yes, Godzilla and Creature from the Black Lagoon turn 70 this year, but don’t forget Them! – the atomic age tale of ”crawl-and-crush giants” that became a prototype for natural horror films and summer ...
Disasters face a couple across three time periods, high-school graduates hit the road, and a neglected Hungarian classic puts lovers in a spin. What are you watching this weekend?
Ali Abbasi’s film about Donald Trump’s early years as a real estate mogul offers a generic villain origin story.
Francis Ford Coppola’s $120-million self-funded passion project is a bloated mess of philosophising and incomplete plotlines, made with such sincerity it becomes fascinatingly lovable.
Claire Denis’ parents would have preferred a different life for her than a career in cinema. As Chocolat arrives on Blu-ray, she sat down with us for a long chat about her childhood in Africa and how ...