The research does not support the view that immigrants commit crime or are incarcerated at higher rates than native-born ...
Last week, the Supreme Court’s supermajority of six highly conservative justices issued a ruling weakening voting rights laws ...
EagleAI is a program pushed by election deniers to supposedly root out voter fraud, and now a state election official is ...
The Court said that data on voters’ race couldn’t be used to advance or undermine voting rights because of long-standing ...
The justice’s contempt for ethical standards demonstrates the poisonous effects of too much power for too long.
Justice Alito’s display of flags associated with the January 6 insurrection shows that the current system isn’t working.
Commercial brokers sell Americans' sensitive personal information to the government. A pair of bills would crack down.
A comienzos de mayo, ocurrió un hecho histórico para la democracia en Nueva York, cuando, por primera vez, las pequeñas donaciones realizadas por la población del estado a los candidatos de su ...
The federal government’s guidance for “safe and responsible” AI is positive in theory. Here’s how to put it into practice.