Hungarian voters will have an chance on June 9 to reject "another imperialist attempt to plunge us into war," Prime Minister ...
Peter Szijjarto said at the inauguration that “during the current hard times, when we have been living in the shadow of war ...
Speaking on the occasion of the Day of National Cohesion, Ader compared the current situation to the first world war, and ...
Brussels is seeking "to repress pro-peace forces", making last-ditch effort to remove the final obstacle to the war "by ...
Hungarians have learnt in the past thousand years which issues they must make sacrifices for: the homeland, freedom and ...
The finance ministry quoted Varga as saying that Hungarian exports to Luxembourg had increased nearly five-fold in the past ...
It is clear from the examples of what has happened to Donald Trump in court and Robert Fico in a public space that pro-peace ...
Opposition LMP activists have shut off the entrances to the Samsung battery plant in God, north of Budapest.
Turkish cultural season currently under way in both countries featured 70 events in Hungary in the first five months, the Turkish ambassador to Budapest said on Tuesday.
Based on forecasts by the national water-level service, Gergely Karacsony, the mayor of Budapest, has issued a first-degree (lowest) flood alert along four stretches of the River Danube in Budapest, ...
Marking the memorial day of the treaties concluding the first world war which cost Hungary two-thirds of its territory, Karacsony said Budapest had to set an example in tolerance, honesty and humanity ...
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán held a campaign event in Salonta (Nagyszalonta), in Romania, at the invitation of the ethnic ...