Mary's office as Mother of God was fixed from all eternity. Christ tells us to ask him for all things. It appears that ...
The New Testament begins with a story about a humble young woman who willingly submits to the will of God when He calls her ...
In his fantastic book Five Proofs of the Existence of God, Edward Feser explains this argument at length. Inspired by Augustine, let's begin with the reality that 2+2=4. Some realities exist in matter ...
Homosexuality and Hope is the result of a two-year study by a special task force of The Catholic Medical Association (CMA). Based on current scientific facts and the practical experience of task force ...
The story of the origin of the Christmas creche rests with the very holy man, St. Francis of Assisi. In the year 1223, St. Francis, a deacon, was visiting the town of Grecio to celebrate Christmas.
How many times have your heard that "Our founding fathers were not Christians! They were deists!"? It is an absurd assertion. It conjures up images of clandestine gatherings in Philadelphia's ...
The mystery of the Holy Trinity is the most fundamental of our faith. On it everything else depends and from it everything else derives. Hence the Churchs constant concern to safeguard the revealed ...
This article is disturbing. There is nothing pleasant about crucifixion. However, having an understanding of crucifixion helps us understand what Jesus went through on the day of his death. This ...
With the recent terrorist attacks, some have suggested that the leaders of these terrorist organizations be assassinated for the good of all people. What would be the Churchs teaching on this? The ...
A Baptist friend asked me about the Advent wreath its history, meaning, etc. I think I gave her a pretty good answer. Perhaps you could provide a little more information. The Advent wreath is part of ...
At the diocesan anniversary Mass this August, I had the pleasure of meeting Bishop Loverde. I am embarrassed to say that I was not sure how to address him — just Bishop, your eminence, or what. A ...
Recently, one of our parish priests mentioned the Eucharistic miracle of Lanciano in his sermon and also mentioned some scientific studies that had been performed. Could you please provide a little ...