El martes se escucharon los alegatos de apertura en el juicio federal por posesión ilegal de armas de fuego que enfrenta ...
La Unión Estadounidense para las Libertades Civiles (ACLU, por sus siglas en inglés) ha amenazado con demandar al presidente ...
En el estado mexicano de Michoacán, la alcaldesa de la localidad de Cotija fue asesinada el lunes durante una emboscada.
En la Franja de Gaza, Israel se ha cobrado la vida de al menos 75 palestinos en las últimas 24 horas. Las muertes ocurrieron ...
In election news, Congressmember Andy Kim has won New Jersey’s closely watched Democratic Senate primary. Kim won 75% of the ...
The New York Times is reporting the Israeli government has been running a secret online campaign to influence and target U.S.
Human Rights Watch has condemned Israel for repeatedly firing incendiary white phosphorus shells into southern Lebanon over ...
During an interview with Time magazine, President Biden was asked if Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was prolonging ...
Opening arguments were heard Tuesday in the federal gun trial of Hunter Biden, who is the first child of a sitting president to ever face a criminal trial. Hunter Biden is accused of illegally ...
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In the Mexican state of Michoacán, the mayor of Cotija was killed in an ambush Monday. Yolanda Sánchez Figueroa was walking home when she and her bodyguards were shot by assailants in a van. Sánchez’s ...
In news from Washington, the Republican-led House has voted to sanction International Criminal Court officials for seeking arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli ...