The impact of Red Sea tensions on global inflation is likely understated. Container shipping rates are climbing toward their ...
The UAE is a threat to Western democracy and the rules-based international order, and it’s time for the United States to act ...
Leadership is expected to turn over in key Western states, bringing new policies that will reverberate throughout the global ...
Tit-for-tat balloon launches by North and South reinforce the general and ongoing deterioration of inter-Korean relations ...
The CHIPS Act buys time for the US semiconductor industry. But if Washington and other Western allies desire a lasting ...
The Middle East has been a place of turmoil for decades, with armed groups rising, falling, disarming, and rebranding. The ...
London’s assertive stance against Russia and China is justified; accommodation from Biden and Scholz is only adding fuel to ...
Recent scandals involving Germany’s Alternative for Germany (AfD) party and the Chinese authorities are not an exception and ...
Spiking cartel violence has spilled onto the campaign trail, leading some organizations to classify Mexico as a high-risk ...
Tilting’ to the east of Suez is surely no longer in Britain’s best interests; rather, it is time to veer back into Europe.
“They obscenely curse government politicians in the streets, and I am just waiting for this frustration,” deepened by the ...
The deaths of Iran’s president and foreign minister may spur some internal debates, but don’t expect domestic and foreign ...