Experts from the ISPI network discuss the European elections and the EU role in the wider Mediterranean.
Amid ongoing controversies, the much-awaited legislative elections in Iraqi Kurdistan Region face yet another postponement.
Despite Baerbock's strong rhetoric and calls for de-risking, Germany's economic ties with China remain robust.
What will be the impact of the upcoming European elections on the common EU approach towards China? More partnership or more ...
Italy's decision to join the BRI has been the key factor shaping the relationship between Beijing and Rome over the past five ...
Under Macron, France is positioning itself as a "balanced power," carefully navigating the complexities of engaging with ...
The geopolitical landscape raises question regarding the stability of the long-standing alliance between the United States ...
Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Hungary, marking 75 years of diplomatic relations and elevating their partnership status ...
The Dutch approach to China may be characterized as “protect where necessary and invest in technological leadership” ...
Whoever occupies the White House, he will have to deal with an evolving European defense sector. The balance of the transatlantic alliance will also depend on this.
Should Trump win the presidential elections, a worrisome mix of geopolitical, security, environmental and economic issues could materialize.
The EU pivots from cooperation to competition with China, focusing on de-risking and green technology leadership.