Sgt. (Ret.) Refael Kauders, 39, fell fighting on Israel's northern front on Wednesday, the IDF announced early Thursday ...
In Israel, real estate is a matter of cultural and social significance, evidenced by the high homeownership rate of almost 70 ...
The European recognition of a Palestinian state aims to reintroduce the concept of a Muslim nation-state to the region, ...
The settlement is a major development in Jewish groups’ efforts to hold universities accountable in light of a reported ...
This platform is built on two fundamental falsehoods to justify atrocities, at least against Jews, and suspends justice and ...
Houthi terrorists targeted two vessels in the Red Sea, Roza and Vantage Dream, with a number of missiles and drones, Saree ...
The normalization of associating genocide with Israel, as if it is a fact, is extremely dangerous, mainly because the ...
The remake, starring Richard Gere, is set in the US, and is being remade by the Israeli director who originally directed and ...
Israel, like its American ally and its Hamas enemy, is plagued with competing interests and conflicting policy statements.
Senior Palestinian Authority official Mahmoud Al-Habbash claimed that the humanitarian port built by the US in Gaza was a ...
Since the war began, public demand for building fortifications has surged. However, for private homes and apartments without ...
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