The Princess of Wales, who is colonel of the regiment, spoke of her pride in them and added that her role ‘remains an honour’.
A day after voters headed to the polls in three highly anticipated elections, the ballot boxes were opened at 9am on Saturday. Irish people have voted to elect a swathe of new councillors as well as ...
Thinking about how many pints of beer or cider you’re going to consume at the pub when watching the Euros this summer and worried about your bank account? Well you could save some money and claim one ...
The Prime Minister’s decision to leave the 80th anniversary D-Day commemorations early for a TV interview dominates the front pages of Saturday’s newspapers. The Daily Express leads with Rishi Sunak’s ...
In his podcast Trash Talk, Count Binface confirmed on Friday that he will be standing as a candidate in Richmond and Northallerton, which has been held by Rishi Sunak since 2015. Speaking on his ...
Day 16 of the General Election campaign was dominated by the fallout from Rishi Sunak’s decision to skip a major international ceremony to mark the 80th anniversary of the Allied landings in order to ...
Britain’s India Lee has set her sights on laying down a marker ahead of this Saturday’s San Francisco T100 Triathlon.
Hemel Hempstead candidate Jaymey McIvor had his Tory membership suspended pending an investigation into a complaint about his conduct.
Political parties have been urged to invest now in education to make savings on public services in the future. The EIS – Scotland’s biggest teaching union – launched its election manifesto at its AGM ...
Rishi Sunak apologised for leaving 80th anniversary events in France before the main international ceremony with fellow world leaders.
Find out how good your general knowledge is with our quiz that will get you ready for your next trip to the pub.
The minister for children has admitted not knowing how much child benefit is worth in a faltering radio interview about Tory plans to make high earners eligible for more of the allowance. David ...