A paean to dance culture and their maker’s own history and influences, these songs find common ground in their sincerity ...
Perfect for both living room and club, the soundtrack to all this summer’s hottest barbecues and beach parties is upon us ...
The track jump sludge is a real highlight, showing how Goat Girl isn’t afraid to experiment and push the boundaries of what ...
The Tallis Scholars present a programme of English Tudor choral music, concluding with Thomas Tallis’ epic motet.
An innovative and thought provoking production in the Leicestershire countryside.
A stellar cast delivers the goods in Giordano’s French revolution verismo potboiler.
Country legend’s 75th studio album demonstrates his enduring ability to craft profound and relatable narratives through song ...
A lot has happened, both in the world and personally, to Natasha Khan since we last heard from her with Bat For Lashes ‘ last ...
Gravity Stairs seems to be divided into two kinds of songs: there’s the upbeat, breezy numbers and then there’s the more ...
Richard Hawley has added a new string to his bow since the release of his last album, 2019’s Further. It was a new career ...
An intelligent and effective presentation of Handel’s Oratorio.