U.S. President Joe Biden said Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu may be stalling on ending the war in Gaza for political ...
Mediator Qatar said Tuesday it was waiting for a "clear position" from Israel on a proposed Gaza ceasefire and hostage ...
Iran's acting foreign minister Ali Bagheri said Monday his government was engaged in negotiations with arch-foe the United ...
Massive fires spread throughout northern Israel following rocket and drone strikes from Hezbollah in southern Lebanon as ...
On Monday, Israeli forces demolished two houses in the village of Jalbun, east of Jenin, under the pretext that they were ...
Ireland’s Eurovision contestant Bambie Thug has claimed that an EBU investigation was underway into alleged violations by the ...
Analysis: Growing public anger over Israel's war in Gaza and threats to Egypt's border are heaping pressure on President ...
Abu Obeida attracts a wide audience of Palestinians and Arabs due to his eloquence in the Arabic language and his creativity ...
Israel’s extremist National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir has threatened to storm the sacred Al-Aqsa Mosque on Wednesday, ...
When the United States turned to torture after 9/11, it remained a closely guarded secret for over two years. Yet the early ...
Those familiar with Karim Khan's track record as International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor know that the arrest warrants for war crimes in Gaza are a dramatic u-turn of past form. Since Khan took ...
The US said on Monday it wants the United Nations Security Council to adopt a resolution backing the proposal outlined by President Joe Biden to end the war on the Gaza Strip. It circulated a one-page ...