The nation’s attention was recently focused on a courtroom in lower Manhattan, home to a trial that was endlessly liveblogged ...
A new study finds that certain personality traits might make you exaggerate — or underestimate — how much political news you ...
Steve Sachs is managing director of The Guardian U.S., a role he assumed in October 2022. He also serves on the board of the ...
None of the AI writers seems to have a specific beat, except possibly for what can be best described as "police exploits," ...
Britney Spears became famous in the late 1990s and underwent a major — and very public — mental health crisis in the early ...
"To describe one form of journalism as 'fact-based' is to tacitly acknowledge that there is also such a thing as 'non-fact-based journalism.' And there isn’t." ...
“After conversations with several executives at different companies who have negotiated with OpenAI, I was left with the sense that the tech company is less interested in publisher data to train its ...
We keep an eye out for the most interesting stories about Labby subjects: digital media, startups, the web, journalism, strategy, and more. Here’s some of what we’ve seen lately.
We keep an eye out for the most interesting stories about Labby subjects: digital media, startups, the web, journalism, strategy, and more. Here’s some of what we’ve seen lately.
We keep an eye out for the most interesting stories about Labby subjects: digital media, startups, the web, journalism, strategy, and more. Here’s some of what we’ve seen lately.
We keep an eye out for the most interesting stories about Labby subjects: digital media, startups, the web, journalism, strategy, and more. Here’s some of what we’ve seen lately.