This Russian artist is most famous for his fairy-tale works, featuring characters from the Russian folklore. But he is much ...
Russians love eating amounts of blini (pancakes). Join our "dinner" and learn the instrumental case! What would you like to ...
The cities and towns in Moscow Region are famous not only for their ancient kremlins, churches and postcard views, but also ...
If Alexander Karpov didn't exist, it would be worth inventing him. The eccentric resident of Simbirsk (now - Ulyanovsk) has etched himself ...
Every day, hundreds of people in the UK walk over mosaics by Russian artist Boris Anrep. How did they end up there?
Hundreds of "quotes" by the Hollywood actor, that he never actually said, regularly appear under each of his social media ...
Instead of eating sweet things, let's just look at them!  And learn some Russian grammar in the process, of course!
She lived only 32 years, but managed to create a whole movement in art - color painting - and to paint one of the most famous ...
The trend for sphinxes - lions with human heads - came to Europe after Napoleon Bonaparte’s Egyptian campaign (1798-1801), ...
This is a rare icon called the 'Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine'.
The British musician gave eight stunning concerts in Moscow and Leningrad and called his tour one of the most memorable and ...
Derbent is a city in the Republic of Dagestan, where about 130,000 people live.