Member default simulation finds standardisation and porting could help in a crisis, and moots unscheduled repeat drill ...
New machine learning algos can help corporate clients adjust hedging ratios, but tech’s effectiveness is limited by data ...
Santander’s main US division began integrating the erstwhile Amherst Pierpoint’s trading book into its main market risk framework in the first quarter, a move that increased charges linked to the ...
Argentines know how to tango, with dancers moving in close or open embrace, and each relying on the other to co-ordinate a sequence of moves. But a rather different type of tango has been playing out ...
Securities and Exchange Commission chairman Garry Gensler has added his voice to growing calls to unbundle client clearing ...
As an active player in financial and physical crude markets globally – as well as in physical refined products markets, ...
As a particularly contentious open meeting of the CFTC on May 10 drew to a close, Democrat commissioner Christy Goldsmith ...
Market participants want regulators to support the use of non-cash instruments for variation margin (VM) calls, in response ...
Seven months after it was created, users of credit derivatives in China are still updating their documentation to reference ...
Market participants and regulators may be understating the risk that commercial real estate (CRE) poses for the largest banks ...
Credit Suisse’s US unit incurred a trading loss of almost three times its modelled forecast in the three months to end-March, in what was otherwise a comparatively uneventful first quarter for rival ...
The transition to T+1 securities settlement in the US on May 28 means that FX-related trades used to fund the purchase or sale of equities will in many cases also need to accelerate to T+1. FX spot ...