May saw the strongest auroras in recent memory. As the sun gets more active, those light shows may be a preview of what’s to come until at least 2026.
Nobel Prize-winning biochemist Thomas Cech’s new book is part ode to RNA and part detailed history of the scientists who’ve studied it.
Oxygen ratios in ancient zircon crystals suggest that the planet’s water cycle got started hundreds of millions of years earlier than thought.
Genes from animals can be combined with genes from bacteria and be put in a bacterium so that the animal genes can replicate in the bacterium…. The technique consists of constructing DNA “chimeras” — ...
Periodical cicadas are an odd marvel of nature. This year, the biggest brood of all is coming out in the U.S. South while another emerges in the Midwest.
Reinforcement learning techniques could be the keys to integrating robots — who use machine learning to output more than words — into the real world.
Even for the children who get treatment, malnutrition can lead to a lifetime of consequences. Those include a high chance of dying in the year after recovery, stunted growth and a reduced ability to ...
Inconsistent privacy policies and dodgy data collection in popular fertility and pregnancy tracking apps put women’s health information at risk.
The salty water, just 3.6 degrees Celsius above the ice’s melting point, is undermining the foundation of the Antarctic glacier.
A recent study calls into question the long-standing assumption that male mammals tend to be larger than females, Jonathan Lambert reported in “Mammal size ...
Detectives and scientists have a lot in common. Both collect data, develop hypotheses and test their assumptions. And both pursue evidence in the hope of a ...
Though 'Tmesipteris oblanceolata' is just 15 centimeters long, its genome dwarfs humans’ by more than 50 times.