Worrisome headlines about venomous Joro spiders marching up the East Coast have been spreading across the Internet like, well ...
A mystery disease was ripping through the cattle in the Texas panhandle. In early March, roughly three weeks after ...
By performing tricks for birds, monkeys and other creatures, researchers hope to learn how they perceive and think about ...
Following Mexico’s election of a woman with a scientific pedigree, Nature reviewed the legacy of well-known politicians with ...
Greater awareness is needed around auto-brewery syndrome, which can cause dangerous accidents and trigger social ostracism if ...
Promethium, one of the rarest and most mysterious elements in the periodic table, has finally given up some crucial chemical ...
What medications cure headaches? Should you kill cicadas? If you Google these questions in the U.S., answers may pop up ...
As deadly conflict in Gaza unfolded this spring, news coverage in the U.S. turned to campus protests. If you’ve watched, you ...
CLIMATEWIRE | New York Gov. Kathy Hochul’s last-minute decision to halt congestion pricing in Manhattan will likely hurt ...
In 2002 then NASA administrator Sean O’Keefe announced that the upcoming Next Generation Space Telescope, the pride of the ...
Take a few steps into a leafy forest in New York’s Hudson Valley, close your eyes, and listen: That’s not the sound of rain, ...
Desperate for sleep, you go to a sleep clinic, where your head is fitted with electrodes to record your brain waves through ...