To prepare Western palates, Derek Sandhaus, author of “Drunk in China: Baijiu and the World’s Oldest Drinking Culture” and ...
Authorities have vowed to crack down hard on cheating in this year’s college entrance exams, with cities using everything ...
Drawing on years of sulfur research, chemistry professor Jiang Xuefeng specializes in making sulfur easier to handle in ...
Everyone who’s used a dating app knows that a match’s carefully crafted profile often bears little resemblance to reality. In ...
In recent months, Chinese universities have begun using advanced AI systems to detect machine-generated content in ...
A high-profile dispute between celebrity psychologist Li Songwei and a former client has led to discussion on the oversight ...
The country is heading for a third consecutive summer of sky-high temperatures, according to government experts.
The comedy “Take Me Home,” produced by Douyin, China's version of TikTok, isn’t just the biggest show in China right now. Its ...
In the heart of Shanghai, a 30-meter stretch of tiered lawn, sloped and designed to resemble a lounge chair, has emerged as ...
To millions of Chinese fans, Taylor Swift is more than just a pop star; she embodies self-expression, authenticity, and ...
An increasing number of travelers are visiting smaller cities and counties across China, hiring photographers to document ...
The controversial practice of sending academic records to parents is part of efforts by Chinese universities to improve the ...