Have you ever wondered what makes the USB ports on your PC function? If you’re using the USB ports on the front panel of your PC, know that they all need to be connected to the motherboard, and the ...
The CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) battery in a PlayStation4 console functions similarly to that of a PC. It is a small silvery coin-sized battery on the motherboard. The battery feeds ...
Sony’s consoles offer a clean ecosystem to purchase content, the PS Store. Sometimes it doesn’t work, and it may seem inexplicable. How to fix the PlayStation Store won’t load error? The PlayStation ...
The Nintendo Switch is an extremely portable and flexible handheld gaming system. However, the 32GB storage capacity within it may limit the gamer’s need. If you are one of them thinking about ...
If you have to ask how to open ports for PS4 or PS5, it means one thing. You can’t play online, or your multiplayer sessions are problematic and limited. In particular, when you test your internet ...
AMD produces CPUs as well as APUs as its main computer processors. For the general user, it can be difficult to know exactly the differences and choose the better one for their system. The main ...
You thought you were safe at home, away from prying eyes, but sorry to burst your bubble: your Wi-Fi box is spying on you! Well, not directly, but security researchers have found a way to geolocate ...
Like many of you, I was very passionate about 90s manga. In 2024, all those animes from our childhood, such as City Hunter and Saint Seiya, have not aged well. Oh, if only we could improve them to ...
If you use your Xbox One often or as Microsoft intends -as an entertainment center- there’s one trick you have to learn. That’s how to turn the TV on or off from your Xbox. It’s a trick that bypasses ...