Social Democratic EU lead candidate Christel Schaldemose speaks at an election night event on June 9th. The Social Democratic ...
SF leader Pia Olsen Dyhr congratulates lead EU candidate Kira Marie Peter Hansen (back to camera) after the party took a huge ...
Left-wing and green parties made gains across the Nordics in Sunday's EU elections, official results and exit polls showed, ...
This photographe taken in the European Parliament hemicycle in Brussels shows a screen displaying the first projections of ...
From Inger Støjberg’s appendix to citizenship fees and possibly the Danish TV event of the year, the weekly column Inside ...
Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen is pictured addressing the press at the European Council summit in Brussels in ...
With Europeans heading to the polls for the EU-wide parliament elections, it's a good time to remind ourselves of how the ...
The new long-distance bus terminal in Copenhagen has officially opened, offering a major upgrade in facilities and shelter ...
Denmark’s Centre for Cyber Security has raised the threat level for potentially destructive attacks against businesses, ...
We asked our readers in Denmark about the government’s decision to make applying for citizenship 50 percent more expensive.
Denmark spent most of World War II under Nazi occupation and yet 800 Danes took part in the Allied landings in Normandy on ...
Trafiklegeplads in Fælledparken, Copenhagen is where children can test out their road cycling skills. Photo: Visit Copenhagen ...