British King Charles III at a D-Day commemoration in France on Thursday called for unity as he marked 80 years since the ...
French President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday hailed the "spirit of sacrifice" of the soldiers who liberated Europe from Nazi ...
They're small and don't go very fast, but they're also cheap, easy to park and can be driven by teenagers and people who ...
British paratroopers performing a jump over Sannerville, north-western France, as part of D-Day commemoration. Photo by ...
French people also use the term ‘Jour-J’ to talk about D-Day, but le Débarquement (or the full version - le débarquement de ...
The legal standard states that the trial period for employees/workers should be a maximum of two months. However, depending ...
The Talking France podcast is back looking at the big issues in France this week, from the 80th anniversary of the D-Day ...
A low-budget French comedy about a camp for disabled people has become a "societal phenomenon" in France, trouncing Hollywood ...
France's domestic intelligence agency has detained a 26-year-old Russian-Ukrainian man on suspicion of planning a violent act ...
French air traffic controllers have filed a strike notice for next week - the latest action in their ongoing dispute over ...
All polling suggests that Emmanuel Macron's party is heading for a humiliating defeat in Sunday's European elections - so ...
Restaurants across France are increasingly offering diners the option to include a tip as part of the card payment process, ...