The staffing law requires hospitals to form committees of management and staff to come up with staffing plans. If a committee ...
Washington health officials on Monday announced a new program to help emergency room clinicians prescribe medications to ...
The number of U.S. mpox cases has more than doubled compared with last year, and the federal Centers for Disease Control and ...
Facing ongoing concerns about rural hospital closures, Capitol Hill lawmakers have introduced a spate of proposals to fix a federal program created to keep lifesaving services in small towns ...
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This premium article is for members. If you are one, please sign in. You have two free premium articles remaining. To become a member, subscribe today. Our journalism relies on member support.
This premium article is for members. If you are one, please sign in. You have two free premium articles remaining. To become a member, subscribe today. Our journalism relies on member support.
Cases of whooping cough have seen an eight-fold increase across nine Oregon counties, and state officials are encouraging ...
Even a peep of news about a new flu pandemic is enough to set scientists clucking about eggs. They worried about them in 2005, and in 2009, and they’re worrying now. That’s because millions of ...
A Trump presidency could jeopardize those extra subsidies. Brian Blase, a former Trump administration official who advised ...
The news out of Medford, Oregon, in December 2023 was explosive: A nurse in the intensive care unit of a local hospital had ...
Under the Social Work Licensure Compact, social workers can get a multistate license, which clears them to care for patients ...