Following sustained criticism over his comments on the Jim Crow era, Byron Donalds shared a video on X accusing Democrats of ...
The former first lady was seen in public on Thursday for the first time since the guilty verdict was announced.
New Voto Latino poll of 2,000 Latino voters shows Biden leading Trump 59% to 39% among respondents in swing states. RFK Jr.
Donald Trump is only ahead of President Joe Biden in Florida by four points in a head-to-head matchup, according to a new ...
CNN’s Abby Phillip highlighted former President Donald Trump’s penchant for promising to unveil bold new plans in two weeks, ...
Trump, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, this week railed against Biden’s new executive order that attempts to ...
Supporters of former president Trump were proudly showing their Republican red on Thursday as their candidate arrived in San ...
Fox News host Jesse Watters discusses how the Biden campaign and the media are calling another Trump hoax, saying the former ...
Here are some of the potential grounds for a Trump appeal: How Trump was charged in the Manhattan hush money case could be ...
Sweltering triple digit temperatures on Thursday sent 11 people to the hospital during a rally for Donald Trump in Phoenix.
After the guilty verdict, the presumptive GOP 2024 nominee's White House campaign steps up its vice presidential search.
Asked about Hunter Biden's trial on gun charges, Donald Trump talked about ravages of people such as his own brother ...