Details of the next generation of Formula One cars have been released by the FIA, with the sport's governing body promising ...
"With this set of regulations, the FIA has sought to develop a new generation of cars that are fully in touch with the DNA of ...
The FIA has allayed concerns from Formula 1 teams about the activation process of its active aerodynamics package, and ...
Jamaica’s drag racers will head to Vernamfield, Clarendon, for the second staging of Battle of the Belts, this Sunday, June 9 ...
The changes are sizable, and F1’s rule-makers hope they place a greater emphasis on driver skill behind the wheel.
These rare Mercury Cyclone GT Drag Pak models are hard to find in 2024, so HotCars decided to find out just how much they're ...
Ferrari’s not-a-sport-utility-vehicle pureblooded Purosangue goes head-to-head against Lamborghini, Porsche, Aston Martin, ...
Formula One season will witness participation from six power unit manufacturers including the arrival of Audi and Red Bull ...
F1 rules will bring smaller, lighter cars, active aerodynamics, a new power boost mode and more. Tap here for all the details ...
The key takeaway is that the 2026 cars will be smaller and lighter than the current-spec machines, with the maximum wheelbase ...
Formula One will introduce an era of smaller, lighter cars with active aerodynamics and a Manual Override system. These ...
Today, the FIA unveiled a bold new set of technical regulations for the 2026 Formula One World Championship during a ...