In a major shift for the listing of endangered species, the revised rule interprets the definition of “threatened species.” Threatened species are those that are likely to become endangered in ...
New Jersey is citing a rebound in bald eagle populations as it proposes removing the national symbol from its endangered ...
The publication noted that boat strikes are one of the leading causes of death for this endangered species. In fact, the ...
President Trump realized part of creating a more workable ESA included eliminating the “blanket rule” under Section 4(d) that automatically provides endangered level protections to species ...
The first CRA would roll back Biden’s reinstatement of so-called blanket rule protections, which automatically extend endangered species-level protections to species listed only as threatened ...
Freshwater mussels can pump and filter eight to 15 gallons of water a day, cleaning rivers and streams. Six of the 50 mussels ...
Transport Canada has announced salmon fishery closures and mandatory speed limits in areas where southern resident killer ...
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has declared six species of freshwater mussels found in Central Texas as endangered and ...
After over 40 years of conservation efforts, bald eagles and ospreys are proposed to be removed from the New Jersey endangered species list, Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Shawn M ...
Loggers intentionally searched for endangered nocturnal gliders during the day to avoid detecting them and continue logging ...
A new DEP rule proposal includes a proposed de-listing of ospreys and bald eagles from the state's endangered species list.
Signalling a rousing victory for advocates who worked for years to restore New Jersey’s population of osprey, the species has ...