New Jersey is citing a rebound in bald eagle populations as it proposes removing the national symbol from its endangered ...
Bald eagle and osprey could be removed from the New Jersey endangered species list under a proposal from the state Department ...
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has declared six species of freshwater mussels found in Central Texas as endangered and ...
A new DEP rule proposal includes a proposed de-listing of ospreys and bald eagles from the state's endangered species list.
Freshwater mussels can pump and filter eight to 15 gallons of water a day, cleaning rivers and streams. Six of the 50 mussels ...
The publication noted that boat strikes are one of the leading causes of death for this endangered species. In fact, the ...
The proposed rule to delist the bald eagle as endangered ... The federal government removed the bald eagle from its list of endangered species in 2007. New Jersey kept the bird on its state ...
B.C. group pushes for greater buffer between boats, killer whales "For those of us who live on the Pacific Coast, there is no species as ... enough to recover the endangered and dwindling ...