Several international human rights organizations, including the U K -based Solidarity Worldwide, convened a protest vigil ...
North of Ethiopia, along the Red Sea lies Eritrea. Since gaining its independence in 1993, the country of 3.8 million has ...
THE Global South is crucial for ensuring aquatic food security to feed the growing world population. It is imperative that ...
There are fears the common travel area (with Ireland) has become a major new route for illegal immigration, after the Home Office refused to release details of how many asylum seekers have taken this ...
The relationship between Korea and Africa dates back to the 1950's. However, for decades, Korea and Africa have walked distinct paths, yet we share a common thread: the unwavering pursuit of progress.
The Rwanda Athletes Federation (RAF) on Friday, June 7, announced on that the 19th edition of the Kigali International Peace Marathon (KIPM) will feature some of the world's leading athletes, with ...
Hakim Ziyech is on target as Morocco secure a second win in African qualifying for the 2026 World Cup but Nigeria draw their ...
Once a proud city of gleaming high-rises, oil wealth and five-star hotels on the Nile, Khartoum, the capital of Sudan and one ...
An influx of refugees from war-torn Sudan and Eritrea has also stoked tensions in the region. Last month, the United Nations ...
The gold market is a graveyard of rubble and dog-eaten corpses. The state TV station became a torture chamber. The national ...
In Africa, every country but Cameroon and Eritrea seems to have signed on to Palestinian statehood, along with everyone in the Middle East (except Israel). In Asia, it’s everyone except for Japan, ...
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