Lorenza Clapp “State of Silence” was developed by La Corriente del Golfo, a production company founded by Diego Luna and Gael García Bernal, two Mexican actors who rose to fame with the 2001 film “Y ...
In almost two decades, only 75 actors in lead or co-lead roles were Latino, despite the fact that the Hispanic population in ...
But the emotional beats in Old owe a debt to Lévy and drawn by Peeters, especially the scenes in which the elderly Guy (Gael ...
Mary Lou McDonald's party saw support drop by five points in the latest Irish Times/Ipsos B&A poll, drawing level with Fine Gael. Across all polls, Sinn Féin is still ahead of rival parties but ...
It’s hard to believe but even Gael García Bernal’s spectacular leotard-wearing, mascara-lashed, larger-than-life performance ...