While the C Notes were competent musicians and the vocal stylings of the Mag Stripes were undeniably lovely, as was their ...
Musicians of Ma’alwyck will present Dominic Argento’s “A Water Bird Talk,” a 50-minute one-act piece from the mid-1970s on ...
For years, fans of Taylor Swift have speculated about the extent of her musical abilities, often focusing on the question of ...
The firm’s stock price fluctuated -2.63% within the last five trades and 6.19% within the last 30 trades, which was a significant change from the beginning of this year. Despite the fact that the ...
TAKING NOTES is a cabaret show with laughs and lessons learned in life and school. with a lot of pop and musical theatre ...
Despite the strength of Apple Music, Spotify has doggedly clung on in the popularity stakes, as the original music streaming ...
Chefs who know Southern food chime in on the very best hot chicken in Music City, served by some of the most iconic ...
Trouble Shooter Band, a long-standing staple of the local music scene, performs its final lineup after 40 years in the ...
On his new "Creole Orchestra," trumpeter-percussionist Etienne Charles continues to demonstrate a great musical spirit.
Director Chris Wilcha assembles the movie — a gentle documentary about letting go of unconsummated dreams — from several ...
Jaycee Cooper promotes Cyber City Disco on third Fridays; it attracts a lively and queer-heavy crowd. Cooper had worked with ...
A North County based men’s barbershop-style a cappella chorus is looking for more members to join the 70-year-old group.