splendens; 12) Warszewiczia (Warszewitzia coccinea); 13) Alloplectus peltatus; 14)Clary sage (Salvia sclarea). Chromolithograph, published in 1897. Magnoliids, chromolithograph, published in 1895 ...
Officially named Opalios splendens, the new species has been nicknamed after its resemblance to the platypus and echidna - which are the only egg-laying mammals in the world today. The team behind ...
The scientific name of the Siamese fighting fish is Betta splendens. It is one of 73 species of the Betta genus. Betta comes from the word “Bettah” meaning “an ancient clan of warriors.” All bettas ...
Less popular, however, have been their bigger brothers, the Brochis cats. Brochis only comprise three species — B. splendens, B. britskii and B. multiradiatus — and of these only splendens is seen ...