The 6-year-old daughter of a New Jersey pastor has died days after an aluminum piece of a badminton racket broke off and ...
A 6-year-old girl has died after her brother’s badminton racket broke and a piece of it struck her in the skull. New Jersey ...
A 6-year-old girl died this week after succumbing to head trauma caused when the errant shaft of a badminton racquet struck ...
The South Asian nation is often criticized for not doing enough to prevent crimes against members of its religious minorities ...
Lucy Morgan's untimely death has shattered her Sussex County family after she was left brain dead following a freak badminton ...
Today we delve deep into the embodiment of rage and wrath – the Red Angel – Angron, Primarch of the XIIth Legion. His fate ...
Why did ancient humans turn to cannibalism? Experts think it may have more to do with relationships than for food sources.
(RNS) — This week is the 40 th anniversary of the Indian army’s heinous attack with tanks, artillery, missiles, helicopters and paramilitary forces on the Golden Temple complex in Amritsar, India, and ...
Yards brings the dark world of folk horror to Doctor Who. But it's far from the first time the show has featured such old ...
That act is at the centre of Matthew Barney’s latest film, ‘Secondary’; a quiet, unnerving, uncomfortable exploration of how ...
Welcome to the Jungle, Hellboy and other sci-fi fantasy movies that will keep you hooked with compelling stories ...
A bus carrying Hindu pilgrims skidded and rolled into a deep gorge on a mountainous highway in Indian-controlled Kashmir on ...