Blood stem cells -- key to transplants that are used as life-saving treatments for blood cancers and blood and immune disorders -- have the capacity to self-renew, but quickly lose their ability to do ...
Biomedical engineers at Duke University have developed a silk-based, ultrathin membrane that can be used in organ-on-a-chip ...
A first-of-its kind brain organoid grown at The University of Queensland has helped researchers identify therapies that ...
Blood tests reportedly showed a 50% decrease in every inflammatory marker in his body, and 17 times the number of stem cells than he would expect to have. ‘So basically, [I have] stem cell ...
Your hormones naturally fluctuate all the time—like in pregnancy and menopause, for example. But how can you tell when you ...
Affyxell and stem/cell based therapies and Novo NordiskToday 13:12 In the press this week. Affyxell a nil cost asset for Avacta, valuation going north. "The Novo Nordisk Foundation, the philanthropic ...