Just as a jury in a criminal court in Manhattan was doing its duty, the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court was ...
Today, the race to control the Senate is virtually tied between Democrats and Republicans, 45% to 45%, according to Real ...
Manchin, formerly a West Virginia Democrat, registered as an independent on Friday.
Reid Rasner hopes to give Wyoming Republicans representation in the U.S. Senate that he said has been missing for years.
LANSING, Mich. (AP) — The top U.S. Senate candidates in Michigan cleared the final hurdle for the August primary ballot on Friday, with a state board confirming they submitted the required number of ...
Republican candidate for senate Larry Hogan faced criticism from fellow Republicans for his comments about former President Donald Trump’s criminal conviction on Thursday.
The Ohio Senate voted Friday on a two-pronged plan to get President Joe Biden on the ballot and prevent noncitizens from ...
New Jerseyans aren’t always civil, but it’s still possible for a liberal Democrat and a conservative Republican to have a ...
Dick Pryor: We heard throughout the session that the House and Senate would not come together to override any of Governor ...
A temporary fix allowing President Joe Biden to appear on this fall’s ballot cleared the Ohio Senate on Friday as the Republican-dominated legislature concluded a rare special session.
Activists have renewed attention on legislation related to the emotional issue of so-called medical aid in dying that has ...
If the Senate won’t put forward any real solutions to govern AI and protect people from algorithmic harms, state lawmakers ...