The legislation would wipe away conscience protections, make it impossible to cut off contraception funding to organizations that provide abortions, and define contraception so broadly that it could ...
A letter signed by 550 Arizona doctors is asking residents to support the voter initiative which has a good chance of appearing on the ballot in November.
A new public education campaign warns of the “dangers and potential harm" of crisis pregnancy centers, also called ...
Actress and director Jodie Foster called for reproductive rights for "all of us" while speaking at the Vote for Abortion campaign stop in Arizona.
Former president Donald Trump has urged a staunchly anti-abortion Christian group to stand up for “innocent life." ...
“Four more years of Donald Trump means empowering organizations like the Danbury Institute who want to ban abortion nationally and punish women who have abortions,” said Sarafina Chitika, a ...
Nearly two years after the reversal of Roe v. Wade, women are continuing to turn to Illinois for abortion care, new data from ...
Planned Parenthood is asking a Missouri judge to dismiss a lawsuit filed by the state’s attorney general alleging the clinic ...
Trump avoided using the word “abortion,” during pre-recorded remarks, but said he hopes to protect “innocent life” if ...
Illinois has become a haven for abortion care, with nearly a quarter of Planned Parenthood patients coming from 41 states ...
Republicans are slamming Nevada Democrats for making an election-year push to put abortion rights on the ballot at 28 weeks.