Rayner insisted all along she did nothing wrong. She repeatedly claimed the allegations that she had wrongly avoided tax on a ...
They will be among leading figures from the seven main UK parties appearing on an ITV programme on Thursday evening.
Labour's deputy leader stopped off in her campaign battle bus in Telford on Tuesday as she launched the party's plan to improve children's health.
Sunak and Starmer will square off for the second time tonight in a Sky News programme – here’s the full election debate ...
We want to know if hearing from Mr Sunak and Sir Keir for a second time has changed your opinion on either party. Who was ...
Robert Barrowcliffe, who is standing against deputy leader of the Labour Party Angela Rayner for the Ashton-under-Lyne seat ...
Political leaders will participate in two TV debates this week as the general election on July 4 draws closer. The first head ...
Where Labour can’t get their house in order on Trident, we have backed up our strong words with bold action. We will build ...
ITV has confirmed today (12th June) the seven politicians who will appear for its General Election multi-party debate on ...
Sky News will host an election leaders’ event in Grimsby called The Battle for Number 10 which will be broadcast live on the ...
Services such as courts, prisons, local government, job centres, police and immigration are all under threat after the ...
This campaign is turning the fast-flowing river of British political life into full spate – an acceleration so fast and ...