Representatives of the Queen’s Lawn encampment on Imperial’s South Kensington campus questioned the university’s commitment ...
Palestinian members of Knesset have called the move a crackdown on freedom, saying it applies to those who question or ...
"This is an effort by the teachers’ union to promote what many feel is a biased and historically revisionist curriculum," ...
Jewish anti-Zionists fully adopt the terminology of the Arab side and their framing of the conflict, reject any semblance of ...
The media of the Zionist regime have not published any news about the number of casualties and possible damages of this ...
OTTAWA — A Jewish group and an independent MP are pushing for the government to classify commonly used antisemitic chants as ...
The Listening Post cuts through the confusion about Zionism and anti-Zionism in Western media and politics.
We will not allow terrorism to take over academia,' says coalition whip; Association of University Heads condemns 'McCarthyistic' campaign against higher education ...
In a statement, the movement South African Jews for a Free Palestine (SAJFP) condemned “with our utmost horror” the fatal ...
It is not about anti-Semitism, Jews or Judaism. Surprisingly, Jews and Jewish Rabbis are coming out as anti-Zionist. An ...
"It's clear that some of the people we pay to represent us hate us because ... they not only attack the New York Times but ...