Actress and director Jodie Foster spoke out about reproductive rights at a recent rally in Phoenix, Arizona, by saying ...
A letter signed by 550 Arizona doctors is asking residents to support the voter initiative which has a good chance of ...
After a controversial vote in Arizona's capitol last week by Republicans on immigration, we're looking at the political ...
President Joe Biden has trailed former President Donald Trump in a bevy of polls in swing states and nationally, but with abortion, the president is hoping to run ahead of the polls in states where it ...
Arizona Supreme Court Justice Clint Bolick forcefully decries the effort urging voters to remove him and a colleague from the ...
Births continued a historic slide in all but two states last year, making it clear that a brief post-pandemic uptick in the ...
Nothing puts the “old” in the Grand Old Party like an unhealthy obsession with returning to premodern attitudes about birth ...
Jazmine Ulloa Voto Latino, an election advocacy group, has released a wide-ranging survey of 2,000 Latino voters in the ...
Vice President Kamala Harris said former President Trump is squarely to blame for a recent Arizona court ruling that bans ...
Republican presidential candidate and convicted felon continues campaign swing through western states with sweltering outdoor ...
Southern Baptist Convention gathers in Indianapolis for annual meeting, in which vote on measure to enshrine ban on women pastors taking center stage.
Years before the Dobbs decision, providers like Dr. Kylie Cooper were already uncomfortable with some of the reporting requirements for abortion procedures in states where they practiced. Cooper was a ...