As a Colorado group gathers signatures to put a measure on the ballot installing ranked-choice voting in the state, Gov.
Christian Home Educators of Colorado (CHEC), one of the state's largest and most prominent homeschool advocacy groups, is ...
As wildfires scorch Canada and smoke blankets the United States ... Ph.D., an assistant professor in the environmental engineering program at the University of Colorado, Boulder, told Healthline.
“Deniers and skeptics say climate scientists are alarmist. We are not alarmist enough,” says Astrid Caldas, senior scientist for community resilience at the Union of Concerned Scientists. “If we could ...
The hundreds of goats munching dead vegetation on a patch of roadside open space represent this Boulder County town’s latest ...
Two suspects in a Colorado homicide case were arrested in Arizona Saturday after a standoff at a home near the California border.
A Colorado woman who was seriously injured when a freight train hit the parked police vehicle in which she sat handcuffed has ...
A brutal heat dome is escalating and will send temperatures surging into the triple digits through the rest of the week.
The first widespread major heat wave of the year will bake many areas of the interior West with triple-digit temperatures this weekend and into next week. AccuWeather meteorologists continue to remind ...
As fire season gets underway in Colorado, local, state, and federal agencies are working ... When the program is complete, he ...