Nations in Africa are desperately chasing points in their bid to represent the continent in the 2026 Fifa World Cup to be ...
President Paul Kagame led Rwanda out of the genocide, but has since dominated the country like a colossus. He is running for ...
Friends of The CongoYouTube Screenshots This week marks the 24th anniversary of Rwanda’s and Uganda’s Six-Day War in the ...
The presence in eastern DR Congo of the FDLR, a UN-sanctioned group linked to the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, unresolved historical grievances and blaming Rwanda for the M23 rebellion ...
Social media users are using “All Eyes on Congo,” “Free Congo” and related phrases to draw attention to conflict and violence ...
The South African National Defence Force SANDF has announced the death of one of its members who was killed in clashes in the ...
France brings Rwanda and DR Congo together at the UNFrance brings Rwanda and DR Congo together at the UN ...
The latest report by the UN Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo highlights Kinshasa's growing use of FDLR, a genocidal militia group, to fight M23 rebels, thereby escalating the ...
Tensions have lingered between Rwanda and Congo for decades since the 1994 Rwandan genocide, when about a million ethnic Hutus fled Rwanda for Congo, among them soldiers who had slain members of ...
The FDLR, a UN sanctioned genocidal group based in eastern DR Congo for close to three decades, was formed by the masterminds of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. The FDLR is at the ...
Rwanda waged the First Congo War against Zaire with the help of other African states (most significantly Uganda, but also Angola and Burundi), who had their own security concerns related to ...
KINSHASA, 5 Sep 2005 (IRIN) - The Democratic Republic Congo (DRC) announced on Saturday that Rwanda had begun extraditing dissidents associated with a breakaway army general in eastern Congo, Laurent ...