In what is thought to be the first encounter of its kind to be witnessed by scientists, a tiger shark has been spotted ...
What the hell is that?” said shark researcher Nicolas Lubitz. “I managed to only get one picture, but you can see the o ...
A tiger shark has surprised Australian scientists on an ocean research trip by regurgitating a spiky land-loving echidna in ...
They are known as voracious predators, eating everything from turtles and humans to discarded vehicle licence plates, but a ...
Researchers on Thursday said they were shocked to observe a Tiger shark throw up an echidna while tagging marine life near ...
Researchers were stunned by what a three-metre tiger shark regurgitated as they wrangled it near Orpheus Island off the north ...
A picture was snapped of the 'rare' occurrence, described as a one in a million moment in an Australian ocean.
Nicholas Lubitz witnessed the remarkable emetic incident during a three-year project that saw hundreds of marine creatures ...
Travelling between two tropical islands, a shark wrangler has witnessed what could be the most Aussie thing ever: A shark ...
It was just another day for a group of scientists – until a tiger shark threw up an echidna off the Queensland coast.
A tiger shark has been seen throwing up an entire echidna in what has been described as a “one in a million” sight.
A tiger shark has surprised Australian scientists on an ocean research trip by regurgitating a spiky echidna in front of them ...