If you’ve been on the Facebook app lately, you might’ve seen Meta’s AI inject itself into the comment section with summaries ...
Naturally, Meta wants to change that and the company is once again telling the world it intends to reorient its platform in ...
Meta said on Friday its flagship app Facebook is attracting its highest number of young adults in three years, as it tries to ...
Does it seem impossible to build your business following on Facebook? Here are eight ways to promote your Facebook Page.
We’re focused on building the next generation of social media for young adults and leaning into new product capabilities enabled by AI.
Meta’s Facebook has agreed to settle a lawsuit by the state of Texas that accused the social media giant of illegally using ...
You’ve no doubt come across posts of “OMG IT WORKED” from friends. The posts claim that copying and pasting the text into a ...
Palestinian groups are spreading anti-Jewish hate on Facebook and Meta isn’t doing enough to stop them, study claims ...
Meta caught an Israeli marketing firm using fake Facebook accounts to run an influence campaign on its platform, the company ...
Prosecutors have filed additional charges against the grandmother of an abused 5-year-old girl, who died in April, after ...
EXCLUSIVE: Campaign ads published on Facebook and Instagram ahead of the EU elections by AfD, Germany's far-right party, ...