Edmundo Gonzalez will represent Venezuela’s political opposition coalition in a potentially history-making presidential vote ...
Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has named communard Ángel Prado as the new minister of communes and social movements. Prado, current mayor of Simón Planas and spokesperson from El Maizal Commune, ...
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has signed an agreement with Turkey to extract gold in his country's south where large areas have been devastated by illegal mines.
VOV.VN - Vietnamese Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son held talks with his visiting Venezuelan counterpart Yván Gil Pinto in ...
The Hindu nationalist prime minister didn’t lose, exactly. After the votes were counted in the world’s largest democracy he’s ...
Venezuela's ambassador to the UN, Samuel Moncada, was elected vice president of the General Assembly. Caracas, June 7 (RHC)-- ...
María Corina Machado left Puerto Ordaz after 9:00 in the morning, bound for El Callao, without knowing what she was going to ...
The Boutique Adventurer - USA on MSN20h
Exposed: The Most Corrupt Nations on the Planet
It’s no secret that many governments globally don’t always operate with the best interests of their citizens at heart. These civil servants often fail to resist the temptation of using state resources ...
‘They are three great projects of the future for petrochemicals, gas and gold,’ said Maduro, who is campaigning ahead of the July 28 presidential election. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is ...
The PM affirmed that Vietnam always attaches importance to the traditional friendship and comprehensive partnership with ...