The US military launched a nuclear weapon early Tuesday morning as part of a test to show the 'readiness of nuclear US forces ...
Report suggests deployment of US nuclear weapons to South Korea, leading to response from China that move would pose danger ...
If Project 2025 gets its way, a second Trump term will funnel more money to the Pentagon, dwarfing even the Biden ...
Taxpayer advocates deplored that such a lucrative contract would go to a single bidder—Northrop Grumman faced no competition ...
HE Minister of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr. Mohammed bin Abdulaziz bin Saleh Al Khulaifi met Wednesday in ...
Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer are gearing up to face off in the first head-to-head TV debate as the Prime Minister strives ...
Iran's clerical establishment believes that the fatwa is correct not only from a religious perspective, but from a political ...
The chairs of a congressional working group on nuclear arms announced Tuesday a late July hearing on the controversial ...
Iran has further increased its stockpile of enriched uranium to near weapons-grade levels, according to a U.N. watchdog.
Zelensky said that Qatar had played an active role in organizing an upcoming Ukraine summit in Switzerland, where Kyiv hopes ...
South Korea says the US has flown a B-1B bomber for its first precision-guided weapon bombing drill in seven years.