A drone attack on Russia's North Ossetia was recorded for the first time on Saturday, 8 June. Aircraft used for attacking ...
Russian air defence units destroyed three Ukrainian drones on Saturday in Russia's town of Mozdok in the Republic of North Ossetia–Alania, regional head Sergey Meniaylo said.
Ukraine's Defense Intelligence is behind the drone attack on North Ossetia, Russia. It happened on the night of June 7, ...
Meanwhile, in North Ossetia, there was a drone attack. Drones from the Ukrainian military intelligence attacked a Russian ...
Russia's Defense Ministry claimed on June 8 that air defenses in the southern Russian republic of North Ossetia-Alania downed ...
Russian air defence units successfully intercepted and destroyed three Ukrainian drones targeting a military airfield in ...
The drone attack on an airfield in Russian North Ossetia, which occurred on the night of June 8, was a special operation by ...
On June 8, a drone attack was recorded for the first time on russian North Ossetia, where the airfield from which planes attacking Ukraine take off, ...
On the hill of the fuel and energy complex, President of South Ossetia Alan Gagloev, representatives of the ministries and ...
Instead of real efforts to solve the refugee problem, the counterproductive practice of politicizing this issue continues, ...
On the morning of June 8, the Russian Defense Ministry complained about another attack by Ukrainian drones. The department ...
The head of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania in Russia, Sergey Menyaylo, stated that air defense units destroyed three ...