Sir Keir Starmer is today to introduce Labour's "back to work plan", which includes a number of reforms to employment support ...
Johannesburg – The African National Congress party lost its parliamentary majority in a historic election result Saturday ...
JOHANNESBURG — The African National Congress party lost its parliamentary majority in a historic election result Saturday ...
Diane Abbott has insisted that she will not run as a Labour candidate until she is endorsed by the National Executive ...
Sir Ed Davey has promised to make Premier League matches free for all on TV in a new manifesto pledge but the Tories have ...
With more than 99% of votes counted, the once-dominant ANC had received just over 40 per cent in Wednesday's election, well ...
A small win is better than a clear loss. Out of all people, those who talk a big deal about understanding markets should get ...
South Africa’s ruling African National Congress party is set to fall short of a majority for the first time in 30 years after ...
JOHANNESBURG—Disillusioned South African voters delivered a devastating upset to the African National Congress, with the ...
The Umkhonto we Sizwe party is calling for a recount of the ballots cast in Wednesday’s elections, claiming that the process ...
As expected, Yair Golan was elected chairman of the Labor Party with a huge majority of 95%, a gap that reminds us of ...
The African National Congress party lost its parliamentary majority in a historic election result Saturday that puts South ...