Immune activation in a pregnant woman can have negative effects on the development of fetal brain microglia—or macrophage ...
It’s not possible to monitor how microglia are developing within the fetal brain, but new research indicates that the health ...
The situation is strikingly different in eggs treated with the altered messenger substances from the nanoparticle-treated ...
According to a new report in the journal Science of the Total Environment, a medical team collaborating across multiple universities in China recently discovered various types of microplastics within ...
Upon closer inspection, she discovered it was a white bison calf. Remarkably, it had clearly just been born. “The afterbirth, ...
Examining the interplay between the gut microbiome, the brain, and the immune system throughout life and the role of ...
Little is yet known about the health effects of nanoparticles on pregnancy. An interdisciplinary team is currently analyzing the risks for babies in the womb. Using a lab model, the researchers were ...
HEALTH and beauty are not constant. As time goes by, people become sick and are not as good-looking as they used to be. Hence ...
Pregnant people need to take special care in avoiding Toxoplasma, since the parasite can cross the placenta and cause ...
What to Expect on MSN4d
Postpartum Hemorrhage
Postpartum bleeding is normal, but excessive bleeding or large blood clots after birth need immediate attention.
Transplacental Infection: Parvovirus B19 can cross the placenta from an infected mother to the fetus. The virus is primarily ...