Republican voters in Texas sent a strong message this primary season about their expectations for ideological purity, casting ...
The party is trying to make inroads with Black voters, a key demographic for Democrats, which could swing the 2024 election.
Democrats see flipping state House seats as a way to fight Gov. Greg Abbott's effort to enact a private school voucher plan ...
Editorial Roundup: Texas
Trump’s pledge to deport millions of immigrants would devastate Texas businesses Texans depend on immigrant workers, including those who are here illegally. Donald Trump’s promise of mass deportations ...
The DNC investments will boost on-the-ground organizing, data infrastructure and voter turnout efforts in places like Maryland, South Dakota and Texas.
Nothing puts the “old” in the Grand Old Party like an unhealthy obsession with returning to premodern attitudes about birth ...
Republican voters in Texas sent a strong message this primary season about their expectations for ideological purity, casting ...
When a judge last month threw out one of Harris County's 2022 judicial elections – ordering a redo after he determined over 1 ...
Mr. Brown, a former Army captain, is the leading candidate in a crowded field of Republicans vying to take on Senator Jacky ...
Georgia Republican Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene likened Donald Trump to Jesus Christ, who is “also a convicted felon ”, after ...
In an exclusive interview, RFK Jr. said his dad would be proud of his campaign and that he's the hopeful alternate in an ...
Vice President Kamala Harris, in an interview published Monday, criticized a suggestion made last week by Republican Rep.