As the countdown for the UK general elections has started, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on Sunday took a swipe at the ...
Rishi Sunak and the Conservative Party would be left with just 66 seats according to a new poll by Electoral Calculus.
The Labour leader Keir Starmer and the Rishi Sunak are preparing for their first face-to-face showdown of the General ...
Sky News has been tracking locations visited by party leaders in the first week of the general election campaign to decipher ...
The Tory and Labour leaders will face off on June 26 in Nottingham from 9pm in an hour-long clash in front of a studio ...
Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer will ... political parties – the Conservative Party, Labour Party, Liberal Democrats and SNP ...
The BBC TV Debate between Rishi Sunak & Keir Starmer has been set for June 26, a week before the general election, hosted by ...
The prime minister says the row over whether the veteran leftwinger should be allowed to stand for Labour shows Sir Keir ...
Business leaders have deserted Rishi Sunak for Keir Starmer, a new poll shows. The Labour Party has a record lead over the Conservatives among industry leaders, Savanta found. It comes after Sir Keir ...
Prime Minister Sunak's recent policy initiatives appear to be resonating with voters, contributing to the narrowing of the ...
Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer took the day off on Sunday as they sent members of the front bench out to the front line of ...
The PM suffered a blow when Aaron Bell, who was Tory MP for Newcastle-under-Lyme until Parliament was dissolved this week, ...